Kid Vengeance aka Vengeance (Golan-Gobus, 1977)

. . Tel Aviv trashy . . Matzo-ball Westerns filmed in Israel were sort of American spaghettis. Lee Van Cleef had made one the year before this (probably on the same visit to the country) called God’s Gun, also with the boy Leif Garrett. This one is slightly less spag because it wasn’t directed by Signor […]
God’s Gun aka Diamante Lobo, A Bullet from God, etc. (Golan-Globus, 1976)

. . Lee Van Cleef in a cassock . . Not so much a spaghetti as a matzo-ball western, this one was filmed in Israel. It’s a spaghetti really, though, because it’s directed and written by Gianfranco Parolini (under the name Frank Kramer), who had done Sabata, and produced by an Italian-Israeli outfit. It was […]