The end of the trail
Well, e-pards, I’m sorry to tell you that this is the end of the trail. The Big C, I’m afraid, and it’s spread and is inoperable. So I won’t be posting any more.
I’ve enjoyed these years writing and conversing about our noble genre.
I’ll leave the blog live and it should remain accessible in the immediate future.
Actually, if anyone out there wanted to take it over, I’d be more than happy. After all, Roger Ebert’s blog’s still going, written by others. Not that I’m Roger Ebert! If you are interested, e-mail me at and I’ll send you the access passwords and such. You probably need to be quite quick, though.
Thank you, friends, for all your contributions and comments. They’ve meant a lot.
So long and happy trails,
23 Responses
God Bless You and thanks for everything shared.
You were far better than Roger Ebert, Jeff. R.I.P.
So sorry to hear this. Your blog has been an inspiration and a fun read for a long time. Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into it.
Godspeed, Jeff. And peace to yours.
“And in my heart, I felt an aching pain.
Oh Fare thee well…”
I am sorry and do not have the words. You became so important to me these past years and I was enjoying so much your blog and our fruitful and funny discussions with your passionate readers, waiting eagerly your next post. Since I have discovered your blog I cannot help thinking of you when looking at my own derringers… Recently I was saying somewhere here on this blog that The Shootist was in french Le Dernier des Géants. I truly think you deserve the same.
I have the Golondrina lyrics in my mind, one of the rare peaceful but sad moment in The Wild Bunch.
You can proudly tell “I wouldn’t have it any other way”…
And of course
“Each man has a song and this is my song.”
Thank you for all that you have done for the Western genre a genre we all love. Your excellent work is a credit to the genre and the human race. Thank you again. ‘Lest we forget’.
An appropriate quote and from She Wore A Yellow Ribbon, a film which to me, was of profound importance.
And may the road be kind to ya…
Jeff – nothing but appreciation for all you’ve accomplished here. You reignited my love for Westerns – after reading many, many of your posts I had to rearrange our DVD/BR binders to accommodate my new Ranown cycle discs, my selection of Audie Murphy movies – No Name On The Bullet is an absolute gem – plus a fair number of your other recommendations. We don’t always agree (I can understand your points about spaghetti Westerns but still enjoy a select number of them) but I still respect your opinion even if they don’t jive with mine. Your analysis from a well-informed “everyman” point of view are a refreshing change from the usual stuff put out by the auteur theorists .
All the best of wishes and hope for you pard – ride your trail well and keep your eyes on the horizon.
Jeff, cannons begin to tell you what your site, your writing and your opinions, even the ones I don’t share, have meant to me through my own rediscovery of the rich Western film genre. Wishing, and praying, all the best to you and yours.
So sorry to know this sad news, Mr. Jeff. Your work has been really an amazing inspiration. We’ll never forget what you did for all the Western fans. God bless you. All my best wishes from Rome, Italy
Thank you so much for your efforts on this site. I hope and pray that you accept Jesus as your savior in this tough time. God bless.
So sorry to hear this. My friend and I have read and appreciated your informative and incisive western blogs for quite a while. We discuss western movies once a week, and your blogs have been a valuable reference point. Thanks for all you’ve done and I hope your work will remain accessible to those who share your love of westerns.
Jeff, so sad to hear this… I always enjoyed reading your posts. Everyday in the morning I checked this site, if there was a new post…
I wish you all the best!!!
Bart from Belgium
Thank you Jeff for this blog. It has brought me endless hours of pleasure and introduced me to hugely enjoyable films that would have otherwise passed me by.
All the best
You will be sorely missed.
So very sorry to hear this Jeff. Thanks so much for all the excellent reading over the years. I know I’ll be reading and re-reading for as long as the internet exists. God bless you.
Horrible news. Thank You for all the years you’ve enlightened us all concerning all that’s “western” related. Good Luck to Jeff, and peace be with you going forward.
Terrible news. I will miss your posts very much. They were enjoyable and informative on a genre I love.
Mr Arnold,
You have brought much joy and meaning through your commentaries and reviews, not just of the films but of history as well. Yours has been the only blog I visit regularly. There is much value in what you’ve accomplished here, beyond simple entertainment. Happy trails.
Jeff, I’m so very sorry to hear this news. Your blog has been a wonderful read and resource for many years.
You are in my prayers.
Best wishes,
Just found your website. Was born in Lexington, NE and am grateful to find your writings about the Olive Brothers. Remember going to the county museum in grade school saw Mitchell & Ketchum after their final meeting with the Olive crew and it definitely left an impression. In high school the owner showed me either Bob or Print Olive’s six shooter and let me handle it. Am 53 now but thought the experience very cool then and still do. Thanks again!