The blog of a Western fan, for other Western fans

A Bit of a Pause


Howdy, regular readers.


Just to say I shall be offline for a bit, for health reasons.


I’ll be posting again as soon as I can.


Meanwhile, don’t hesitate to plunder the index for back-numbers!


Best wishes,



8 Responses

  1. I am sorry to hear this, and wish you the best in the coming days and weeks. Look forward to welcoming you back and in the meantime will continue logging in to check your opinion of every Western I watch or re-watch! Best wishes.

  2. Come back soon and well, meanwhile I not only wish you the best but appreciate the fine work you have done.

  3. Your essays and their word sense bring smiles to my face. Please take care of yourself!

  4. I don’t comment often but always enjoy this extraordinarily well-written, thoughtful blog. All good wishes, Jeff.

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